Scarlet O’Hara
“Scarlet O’Hara” is a short film/music video made by Liz Krause and Freya Yost for the song “Scarlet O’Hara” from Yost’s 2024 album “Delicate Elements”. The film follows an artist and her relationship with her alter-ego, Scarlet, as she sets out to build a sculpture in an old abandoned room. Over the course of the film, the artist creates her sculpture, using ceramic shards she found in the nearby woods. Scarlet, the mischievous and procrastinating part of herself, disrupts throughout; sometimes passively with boredom, and other times with more obvious interventions (though she’s happy to take some of the glory at the end). The film speaks to the graft and friction that comes with creating something new, and to the conflicted nature of the self. The filmmakers decided to work exclusively with found materials. The project was filmed independently in Italy.
Watch a teaser below (includes strong language):